
Michael, Lisa and Daniel (Lauingen, Bavaria)

Prompted by his tutor, Dr Jon Shuler, Michael Mack visited us in 2001. Encouraged by what he heard and saw, he met with two friends on New Year’s Eve and prayed throughout the night; they resolved to plant a new church in Lauingen – Donau Gemeinde (Danube Community). A firm partnership developed between DNA and Donau Gemeinde during 2002. Michael took a part-time job while the church slowly emerged through many struggles.

In 2008, Michael married Lisa Duerbeck and a year later Daniel was born. The church has now rented a small property in a shopping arcade near the centre of Lauingen. The town played a significant role during the Reformation. Bibles were hidden in false compartments in wine barrels and were floated on ships down the Danube River. Michael’s vision is that the Gospel will travel along the river Danube in the 21st Century through a church planting movement that spreads from the Black Forest in Germany, through Austria, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova to the Black Sea.